For those of you who take time to read the musings of the proper musicologists, this will be old news and won't really be worth a read, but since those lovely guys at 'Bravestation' did indeed send me an Internet letter this evening, I thought it would be rude not to talk about and they are worth sharing for those of you who only read comically bad blogs with names that the creators want to change, but can't now.
But I am very much in accordance with Monsieur AgdtCt. Thre are good.
Through their latest 5 track EP, which according to iTunes is called '2010 ep,' they manage to combine a touch of synth-folk (Clocks and Spears), funk-folk (Colour Us With Youth), indie-pop (White Wolves) all played underneath the quite vulnerable vocals. (Yeah, that sounds a bit gay, but whatever, there just seems to be some sort of wavering quality to them at times, but wavering sounded too critical and it's not supposed to be a criticism).
What is more, all this musical wonder is combined without making it sound schizophrenic because despite these differences, there is a common thread in all the tracks which is good enough to keep me interested and subtle enough not to bore me.